- GÉANT Association – an association of European national research networks that is engaged in the operation and advancement of the GÉANT European communications infrastructure and coordination of related activities (www.geant.org)
- EGI.eu – an organisation focusing on coordinating European computing grids used for scientific calculations and on supporting their sustainable development (www.egi.eu)
- GLIF (Global Lambda Integrated Facility) – global experimental network activities focused on supporting the development of the most demanding scientific and research applications (www.glif.is). Since the end of 2019, the GLIF activities have been taken over by two initiatives, GNA-G (Global Network Advancement Group) and GRP (Global Research Platform), within which CESNET also participates.
- Internet2 – a consortium led by American research and education institutions endeavouring to develop and deploy new types of network technologies, services and applications (www.internet2.edu).
- PlanetLab – a consortium of academic, commercial and governmental organisations from the entire world, collectively operating a global computer network designed for developing and testing new telecommunication applications (www.planet-lab.eu).
- Shibboleth – an international consortium for the coordination of development of a service providing a solution for unified login, meaning that a user can use multiple protected network resources using a single login. Shibboleth is the basis of the academic federations of identities (shibboleth.net).
- QUAPITAL – a Central European partnership for secure communication with security at the quantum level and quantum internet (www.quapital.eu).
- PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) – the association's goal is to build a pan-European supercomputer network to provide access to high-capacity computing resources. The PRACE mission is to support scientific research and development in all areas of science by providing supercomputer resources and educational activities. (www.prace-ri.eu).
ETP4HPC (European Technology Platform for High-Performance Computing) – the primary mission of this platform is to support European research and innovation in the area of HPC in order to maximise economic and social benefits of HPC for European science, industry and citizens. (www.etp4hpc.eu).
EuroHPC JU – the goal of the EuroHPC initiative is to share resources and establish cutting-edge supercomputer infrastructure and a competitive innovations ecosystem in supercomputer technologies, applications and skills in Europe. (eurohpc-ju.europa.eu).
I4MS (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) – the goal of the initiative is to promote adoption of digital innovations among small and medium companies in Europe through technological and financial support for experimentation with various technologies and services, with the goal of improving innovation abilities of employees, technologies and services provided by a given company. (i4ms.eu).
BDVA (Big Data Value Association) – through digital transformation in the areas of large data and artificial intelligence, it aims to develop the pan-European innovation ecosystem in such a way as to not only maximise the economic, but also the social benefit to ensure a sustainable leading position for Europe in those areas. (bdva.eu).
EUDAT – a European e-infrastructure that integrates data services and resources to support research. Its goal is to solve the entire life cycle of research data, which includes a strategic solution to the problem of quickly increasing data volumes in European scientific and research communities. (www.eudat.eu).
Eurolab4HPC – a European project within the H2020 programme, the goal of which is to reinforce the excellence of academic research and innovation in the area of HPC in Europe. (www.eurolab4hpc.eu).
HiPEAC (High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation) – the main contact point for the creation of networks, distribution, training and cooperation across Europe for research workers, industry and policies related to computing systems. Its network, currently the largest of its kind in Europe, currently includes over 2,000 experts. (www.hipeac.net)